Spiritual Coaching FAQs

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Find answers to frequently asked questions about my services and how I can help you unlock your true potential.

How can spiritual life coaching benefit me?

My spiritual coaching style helps you gain clarity, uncover limiting belief systems, overcome obstacles, achieve goals that align with your values, and develop the tools you need to create the life you desire through practical strategies.

What should I anticipate from a spiritual life coaching session?

In a session with me, expect a supportive and non-judgmental environment. I draw my wisdom and knowledge from the holy corpus of Odu. So, the insight given isn’t coming from thin air. The energy signature that comes down for you at the time of your reading is what is needed for you to overcome the current obstacles you’re facing in that moment in time.

So, I urge you to actively listen, ask insightful questions, and provide honest feedback after your initial reading is delivered to you within a 24 hour time frame. That way, together, we’ll explore your situation, set goals, and develop strategies for success.

How long does a coaching relationship typically last?

Coaching duration varies. But typically your reading will outline where you are currently and why. It will also go in detail to what your next steps should be. Then it’s your responsibility to put in the necessary work to manifest the changes in your life that you’re seeking. There should be no reason to get frequent readings (every 3 months is recommended).

Do you recommend ebbos and/or rituals?

I am not a Babalawo. My scope of practice, through the wisdom of Ifa, lies in utilizing the oracle to better one’s life on a holistic manner ( the way you think, speak, and act). I do utilize other tools of divination. But I solely rely and put all my faith in the words of Ifa. If any simple and small ritual is recommended to you, it will solely come from my elevated Ancestors (nothing elaborate).

What are the advantages of working with a spiritual life coach?

Collaborating with a spiritual life coach provides you with the tools you’ll need for personal growth and fulfillment. We’re also here to help you recognize what you might have missed or haven’t been cognizant at all. There’s no amount of juju (witchcraft) that can change your life for the long haul and for the better.

If it does, then you’re stepping into the realm of baneful magic. And trust me, a life is being lost because you’re trying to skip steps in your evolution or change your destiny all together. Now, I’m not talking about certain things that are done through a qualified Babalawo, Espiritista, etc. Keep in mind that, “As within, so without. As above, so below.”